Sunday, 7 March 2021



 A self improvement plan which will help you to create the life you truly wanted for yourself. It will help you to keep your priorities and what you most wanted in life like you may have more purpose and fulfillment.

Why you want to create a plan to improve your life??!!

                                                      Take a break ask your self why you need a self improvement plan? Ask some of the following things to yourself:

  • In what areas of my life I am unsatisfied?
  • In which areas of my life I should improve?
  • What result I want to see in my life?
  • Why it is important to achieve these results in my life?

The reason it's important to understand your ''WHY'' for creating self improvement plan. A strong why motivates you from within to create the life you have always wanted.

Create a vision for your life

                                      Your vision is wat you ultimately want your life to look like in the future. Its important to consider all the different areas of your life. Like:

  • Personal
  • Recreation
  • Health
  • Relationship
  • Money
  • Career
  • Environment
  • Community

Create a vision for each of the areas of your life. It will help you to get overall vision for your entire life. Your vision will help you to stay focused on what you want most in life. 

Set goals

                   Once you've created a vision for your life by creating a vision in each life category, it is time to set goals. If we set too many goals often leads to reaching none of them. Use the SMART method:

  1. S: Specific
  2. M: Measurable
  3. A: Achievable
  4. R: Relevant
  5. T: Timely

Without each of these factors, you won't be able to archive your goals.

Create an action plan and put it on your calendar

                                                            The best way to do this is by working backwards. Think about your goal and ask your self, "What do I need to do to reach my goals?" If hard time coming up with actions, ask yourself "If I had already reached or achieved my goals, what must be true?"

Implement habits that support your goals

                                                   Habits are extremely important while it comes to reaching goals. When something becomes a habit, it requires little thought or willpower in order to do it.

Review, evaluate and revise

                                                This is the final step in creating a self improvement plan. This is an important step. You always want to be evaluating and look for other ways to improve, without reflection and evaluation, 

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