Tuesday, 10 November 2020


How Much Do You Really Know About Your Organ??!!

                                                   We are going to surprise you with few facts you might have or have not previously known about your skins. Some of this information will truly surprise you!!

1.It is largest organ In Your Body

The skin spans 22 square feet, which makes it significantly larger than your second largest organ, the liver.

2.Start aging at 20!!

Once you hit 25 your collagen levels can start to slowly deplete which might result in appearance of sagging skin and onset of fine lines. Antioxidants such as vitamin C can help maintain young, healthy-looking skin.

3.Sleeping Can Possibly Give You Wrinkles

Sleep is good for you- it helps your body repair and rebuild. Nevertheless, If you sleep on your side or on your stomach you could be applying pressure to your face which can contribute to the appearance of wrinkles.

4.Skin Has Three Layer

Skin as it's only layer but it is made up of three; the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis.

5.It Helps To Regulate Temperature

It can regulate temperature through its blood supply. When your blood vessels dilate skin allows for heat loss. When vessels constrict it helps retain heat.

6.Dark Spots Can Develop On Your Skin

It is extremely important to wear board-spectrum SPF 15 or higher starting in your teens and 20s. Sun spots can show up quickly on your skin and can increase with more sun exposure, and even harder to get rid of.

7.We Shed Thousands Of Skin Cells Each Minute

An incredible 30,000-40,000 per minute- that's great!!

8.Skin Has Varying Levels Of Thickness

Eyelids have thinnest skin, While other part of skin(palms and soles) has the thickest.

9.You Can Switch Skin Types!!

Things like climate change, harmonal imbalance and age can make our skin go from one type to other.

10.Genetics Don't Determine How Your Skin Ages

Many people ascribe that how quickly their skin ages to their genetics. But it turns out that external factors play huge role in skin aging. Sun exposure can be for almost 90% of premature aging. Other factors can be like pollution and smoking can factor into skin ages.

Sunday, 8 November 2020


There are so many people falling ill just by eating contaminated food, there are as many different viruses as there are stars in the sky. To keep our bodies from becoming sick, the best solution is to build up our immunity from within. It is actually easy to achieve.

1.Almonds: Fight Virus


They have the same calcium value as 1/4 cup of milk, these wonderful nutrients can help keep your body fit. Almonds boost immunity system, especially against viruses. It is high in vitamin E and fiber, they can also keep your blood sugar in check.

2.Sunflower Seeds: Keeps Heart Healthy


They can prove to be your savior when it comes to immunity. It will reduce the risk of various chronic diseases like Alzheimer(cause brain cell), they keep your heart healthy and prevent sickness. 

3.Papaya: Reduces Pain

They are rich in antioxidants, It is a tasty choice loaded with benefits. Some of these include fighting inflammation, reducing the risk of cancer, and keeping digestion in check.

4.Kiwi: Prevents Flu

With vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin E, They can help with asthma and strengthen the immune system.  They can prevent conditions like common cold and flu. 

5. Ginger: Eases Period Pains

It is easily available spice does wonders for your body. It lowers cholesterol, eases period pain and increases the body's ability to fight infections overall.

6.Spinach: For Strong Nerves

It is good for your health, but apparently, this nutrient powerhouse is also great for your immunity. Spinach is great source of magnesium which is needed to maintain nerve function, a healthy heart, good blood pressure, and strong muscles.

7.Watermelon: Improves Digestion

It not only keep your skin and hair healthy, but it can also improve your digestion and reduce inflammation in your body.

8.Fruits Rich In Vitamin C: Kills Unhealthy Cells

It can give your immune system a boost in 20 ways! To name a few, It can keep your white blood cells healthy, kills unwanted or bad cells, increases the production of antibodies.


Wednesday, 4 November 2020


                                                          We need to eat enough to give our body the fuel and much -needed calories and nutrients, so it can take care of itself. Eating healthy is more than just not eating junk food. Eating healthy means eating the right foods for us that are nutritious and boost our metabolism, thus speeding up our weight loss process.



Mustard is actually one of the healthiest condiments. There is no added sugar in it and it's rich antioxidants and turmeric. Spicy foods increases your metabolism for 30 minutes after consumption. 


Eating eggs for breakfast is very good for us for several reasons. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamin D and choline, which will increases metabolism. They are also rich in protein.


They are the superfruit that everyone loves. They are rich in fiber monounsaturated fats. Eating avocado will boosts your metabolism and gives you more natural energy.

4.Whey Protein

It builds and repairs muscle. It burns muscle calories thereby boosting your metabolism. We can trying to lose fat.


It activates thermogenesis and helps to burn calories, as well as reduces the accumulation of belly fat. Things that make cinnamon great is that it is already sweet, we don't need to add any sugar.


Eating walnuts will reduce your overall hunger and make you feel more full. It will activates an area in the brain that is connected to hunger and craving control. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids which will burn our body fat faster.

7.Whole Grain foods

Eating whole grain food significantly improves and speeds up weight loss. Whole grains are rich in fiber, magnesium and vitamin B6. The fiber makes us feel more full which reduces our chance of overeating.


It is key if your trying to burn more fat. It is a citrus fruit. The smell of grapefruit activates the brown fat cells that burn calories, while also reducing the appetite.


It is amazing fruit for weight loss. They are rich in fiber. They also have high amount of fructose and glucose, which will provide a natural energy boost. Unlike other fruits, pears slow down the carbohydrate absorption in our bloodstream. There is no rapid spike and fall of blood sugar and, in turn, less carving for more food.


They are low in calories, which is already a great start because one cup of blueberries provides fewer calories and more fiber than banana. They are full of antioxidants. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and other berries are less likely to gain weight.

11.Cayenne Pepper

It is great for you if your trying to lose weight because it contains capsaicin, which is the compound that makes chili peppers hot. It will slightly increases your metabolism, which is exactly what we want when we are trying to lose weight.


It is great for us because it is low-calories and high-nutrients, which makes it perfect weight loss food. It contains folate, riboflavin, vitamin B6, magnesium, iron and calcium.

13.Sweet Potatoes

They are great to eat when your trying to satisfy your hunger and lose weight because they are full of fiber. They contain a specific kind of fiber that is starch. Starch reduces risk of obesity.


It has more omega-3 fatty acids than any other food. They are extremely good for us. Salmon and all other fatty fish ( like tuna or mackerel), is rich in lean protein which helps with building muscle. The more muscle we build, the more calories we burn.


It is one of the best foods to eat if you are trying to lose weight. It is low in calories and rich in protein and it helps you to lose body and abdominal fat while boosting lean muscle mass.

Which food do you find the best and most helpful when it comes to weight??!! Please share your experience with everyone in the comments.


Please Stop Wearing These 3 Things At Any Age

  I typically steer away from making recommendations on what you should wear, but feel strongly that none of us (at any age) need to wear th...