Sunday, 6 June 2021

What Bad Habits Are Ruining Your Life?


Bad Habits  That Are Ruining Your Life



1. Doubting Yourself

                       Self doubt is one of the heaviest weights we can carry in life. Feeling like you’re not worthy enough, not skilled enough, not smart enough, etc holds us back from so many amazing opportunities life has to offer us. Stopping self doubt starts with noticing those thoughts or feelings when they pop up, without judging them, and gently replacing them with empowering thoughts. 

2. Wanting Another Person’s Life

                                  It’s so easy to compare yourself to other people with social media being so integrated into our daily lives. Everything is carefully planned, posed, and edited to the point where it isn’t even real anymore. Everything is carefully planned, posed, and edited to the point where it isn’t even real anymore. No one has the perfect complexion, spouse, job, children, diet, body, or home. We’re all flawed humans doing the best we can with what we’ve got.

3. Caring About What Other People Think

                      If you have the bad habit of obsessing over what other people think of you, No one is spending their time and energy thinking about you. Nobody is thinking about your outfit or hair. People are so wrapped up in their own lives, they don’t have the time or energy to put much thought into yours. 

4. Thinking Instead of Doing

                        Maybe you spend hours make lists and writing in your planner, but don’t actually get much accomplished. If there is something you’ve been wanting or needing to do for a while do it today or schedule it in your calendar right now. Get it done and stop wasting your mental energy on it.

5. Perfectionism

                 Instead of trying to be perfect and feeling defeated when you can’t meet impossible standards, focus on just doing your best. That’s literally all that you can do. Tell yourself, “I’m doing the best I can at this moment, and I only fail when I don’t try.”

6. Living in the Past

                 Our past shapes us in so many ways, but sometimes living on the past can cause us a lot of pain. It takes us away from the present moment and keeps us from moving forward. Whether it’s pain someone caused you or your own actions that you regret, when those thoughts come up gently redirect your mind to the present moment and remember that those thoughts aren’t serving you and it’s ok to let them go.

7. Blaming Instead of Taking Responsibility

                                      It’s tempting to blame other people for our circumstance. Some things we can’t control like our parents and the environment we grew up in, but once you become an adult you have the power to write the story of your life. You can choose to walk away instead of fight. You can choose to appreciate your health and home instead of resenting people who have more. You can choose to keep moving forward instead of giving up. Taking responsibility means taking back your power.


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